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Attic Insulation in Your Atlanta Home Can Prevent the Three Primary Forms of Heat Transfer

attic insulation Atlanta When wondering how important the attic insulation in your Atlanta home is, consider that, according to the U.S. Department of Energy, between 50 and 70 percent of your home’s energy usage is spent on heating and cooling. What does that mean? Likely half or more of your monthly energy bill is spent on activities aimed at keeping the temperature of your home at a comfortable level.

Having the right type of attic insulation in your Atlanta home can greatly help reduce the three primary forms of heat transfer that can cause higher energy bills and greater stress on your expensive heating and cooling equipment. Conduction and convection are two of the three forms of heat transfer, and their effects on your home can be greatly reduced when you have cellulose, fiberglass, or foam insulation installed. With a radiant barrier in your attic, you can virtually eliminate radiation – the third type of heat transfer and one of the biggest culprits of high energy bills in improperly insulated homes.

Properly mitigating the effects of heat transfer in your home can be done most effectively with the proper attic insulation, and at Arango Insulation, we can quickly install the state-of-the-art insulation you need to enjoy money-saving benefits as soon as possible. Our technicians are highly skilled in installing all types of insulation and can determine which combination of products would work best in lowering heat transfer in your home and improving your home’s energy efficiency. Our commitment to excellent workmanship and superior service has helped us to earn the 2010 Consumers’ Choice Award and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Contact us today for more information about attic insulation for Atlanta homes.

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